Here is the list of bus companies offering cheap coach tickets to Birmingham:
The bus operator Megabus operates buses to or from Birmingham. Make a search on our website to have a look at the bus times and fares of the company.
FlixBus is a German operator that provides coach services to or from Birmingham. Its coaches include innovative equipments to limit CO2 emissions.
Discover here the most important information about coach services, time before departure, travel insurance and other formalities to prepare your next bus journey to Birmingham.
It's always important to arrive early before travelling. Megabus, FlixBus demand their passengers to come at the station thirty minutes before the bus is due to depart. You need to be at the bus station early to have the time to load your baggage and get on board comfortably.
Most coach operators like for example Megabus, FlixBus allow two medium sized bags and one small piece of hand luggage per passenger on buses. Generally the maximum permissible weight is 20kg for each suitcase. If you have to travel to Birmingham with extra luggage it's possible but you have to pay.
To avoid any risk during your travel in bus to Birmingham, most bus companies like Megabus, FlixBus offer insurance for your travel. You will check all the information concerning insurance for your next travel on the website of the bus company you choose for your trip.
When you use a discount card to book your coach ticket you need to bring with you the card. The coach driver requires to see your discount card to let you get on the bus.
Nowadays bus companies like Megabus, FlixBus evolve their services to offer high comfort for passengers. Indeed, coaches are now very comfortable, with large seats, and they are fitted with toilets and air conditioning. Many operators offer on certain lines, coaches with free WiFi and plug sockets on board so you can utilize electronic devices during the trip.
If you wish to spend some time visiting Birmingham, we have listed for you some points of interests in order to help you organize your trip. Your trip will probably change depending on your preferences or whether you're coming to the city with your partner, family or friends but some of these tips might be of interest. Most of these landmarks are free to visit but we advise you to double check, especially as you might be able to book tickets in advance to avoid the crowds.
Museum of the Jewellery Quarter could be the starting point of your itinerary as it is one of the most interesting attractions for travellers. You can then continue your itinerary with Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery as well as The Barber Institute of Fine Arts which are also popular.
You can then extend your visit with The Pen Room which is another way to experience the city.
If you still got spare time, you can go and have a look at the Cadbury World which is generally appreciated by locals.
Our last tip if you would like to get a complete view of the city will be the Aston Hall. Remember to have a look at the events, festivals or concerts that you can attend during your visit as it can help you meet locals who will be able to share with you further advices.
From | To | Price | Departure on | At | Company | Searched |
London Finchley Road (Stop CL) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£7.34 | 16/01/2025 | 11:35 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle-Upon-Tyne |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£9.96 | 16/01/2025 | 06:50 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Bristol Bus Station (UK) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£6.81 | 16/01/2025 | 12:05 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Cambridge (Trumpington Park and Ride) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£9.43 | 16/01/2025 | 16:15 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Cardiff - Herbert St Lloyd George Ave |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£7.85 | 16/01/2025 | 09:15 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Dundee (Overgate Center- West Marketgait) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£17.30 | 16/01/2025 | 19:25 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Glasgow (Buchanan Bus Station) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£12.59 | 16/01/2025 | 10:30 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£5.24 | 16/01/2025 | 18:00 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Manchester (Shudehill Interchange) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£6.81 | 16/01/2025 | 07:10 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
Middlesbrough (Bus Station) |
Birmingham Summer Row- Great Charles Street |
£11.00 | 16/01/2025 | 02:30 | FlixBus | 20 hours ago |
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