Bus to Plymouth

Book a bus ticket to or from Plymouth

Here is the list of bus companies offering cheap coach tickets to Plymouth:


The bus operator Megabus operates buses to or from Plymouth. Make a search on our website to have a look at the bus times and fares of the company.


FlixBus is a German company that operates buses to or from Plymouth. Its buses have technological equipments to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

Travel information for your coach to Plymouth

To get ready your coming travel by coach to Plymouth find here is some information to help you get ready for the departure day.

Megabus, FlixBus request their passengers to be at least 30 minutes before departure for boarding. 15 minutes before, boarding of the Plymouth bus is no longer ensured.

Generally, Megabus, FlixBus authorize you to take into the bus up to Plymouth 3 pieces of luggage: 2 suitcase in the baggage hold and 1 hand bag on the coach. Bus companies ask you to have 20kg maximum per luggage, if this weight is heavier you will have to pay some fees.

Do you have to cancel your coach journey to or from Plymouth? Do you want insurance for your luggage or to be repatriated during the trip? Check at information about Megabus, FlixBus insurance for your travel to and from Plymouth on the websites of the companies.

If you made a booking using a coachcard, make sure that you have your discount card with you when travelling. Be careful, if you don’t have it that invalidates your ticket and coach access will be refused.

Today Megabus, FlixBus coaches deliver more and more high quality service. The majority of buses are fitted with comfortable seats, toilets and air conditioning. On some routes, Wi-fi is available allowing you to utilize your laptop and tablet during your travel.

Things to do in Plymouth

Experience the best of Plymouth by going to these 6 places

  • Mount Edgcumbe House
  • Plymouth Museum
  • Saltash Heritage Museum and Local History Centre
  • National Marine Aquarium
  • Stable House
  • Ying-yang

If you are willing to spend some time exploring Plymouth, we have selected for you some places to visit in order to help you plan your trip. Your plan is likely to be different whether you have a specific interest or whether you're discovering the city with your partner, family or friends but some of these suggestions should be of interest. Many of these places are free to visit but we suggest you to verify, especially as you may be able to get tickets before you get there to avoid the queues.

Mount Edgcumbe House can be the starting place for your visit as it is among the most important tourist places for visitors. You can then carry on your visit by going to National Marine Aquarium and Plymouth Museum which are also famous.

You can also extend your itinerary with Stable House which is another opportunity to experience the city.

If you still got some time, you can go and have a look at the Saltash Heritage Museum and Local History Centre which is generally appreciated by travellers.

Our last tip if you would like to have a full picture of the city will be the Ying-yang. Do not forget to check out the events, festivals or concerts that you can attend during your visit as it can enable you to meet locals who will be able to provide you with more advices.

Last searches for buses to Plymouth

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