Bus Time | 9h31m |
Origin | Antwerp, Belgium |
Destination | London, England |
Distance | 197 Miles |
Cheapest bus fare: | from £22.03 |
Bus operators: | FlixBus |
Which coach company can I use?
All bus services from Antwerp (Belgium) to London (England) are run by FlixBus.
What is the price of a bus ticket for this journey?
The cheapest ticket found to travel by bus from Antwerp to London in the next 180 days is from €22.03. Travelling by bus is often the best option to save money compared to the fares of flights and train tickets.
How long does it take?
Although travelling by bus is most of the time cheaper, it is longer. As a matter of fact, the average journey time for buses between Antwerp and London is 9h31m covering a distance of approximately 197 miles.
from £22.03 | MORE | 9h49m |
Find the cheapest tickets to travel from Antwerp to London by coach, train, carsharing and flights.
The table above only shows the remaining services for today and will display a maximum of 10 bus departures.
See all departures: Today / Tomorrow
Same day
The price of a ticket for a coach from Antwerp to London decreases the earlier you book. The chart above helps you identify the evolution of the price depending how much time in advance you buy your bus. It is based on the best fares found in the past 6 months.
With fares available from £15, we advise you to get your coach 2 months in advance. It may cost you on average 65% less than if you book 15 days in advance which should cost you around £41. By booking early, you will also make sure that tickets remain available for your trip.
Gopili compares prices to help you find cheap bus tickets from Antwerp to London for the coming days. You can also have a look at the prices for the London Antwerp bus to make sure you get a seat for your return journey.
From | To | Price | Departure on | At | Company | Searched |
Antwerp (Berchem) |
London Victoria Coach Station |
£22.03 | 16/01/2025 | 17:35 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Antwerp Rooseveltplaats |
London Victoria Coach Station |
£22.03 | 15/01/2025 | 17:10 | FlixBus | 2 days ago |
Antwerp (Berchem) |
London Victoria Coach Station |
£22.04 | 16/01/2025 | 11:30 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Antwerp (Berchem) |
London Victoria Coach Station |
£22.04 | 15/01/2025 | 10:30 | FlixBus | 2 days ago |
Antwerp (Berchem) |
London Victoria Coach Station |
£22.04 | 14/01/2025 | 10:30 | FlixBus | 3 days ago |
Antwerp Rooseveltplaats |
London Stratford- Montifichet Road Stop U |
£22.04 | 14/01/2025 | 02:30 | FlixBus | 3 days ago |
Antwerp (Berchem) |
London Victoria Coach Station |
£22.04 | 13/01/2025 | 10:30 | FlixBus | 4 days ago |
Antwerp Rooseveltplaats |
London Stratford- Montifichet Road Stop U |
£22.56 | 13/01/2025 | 02:30 | FlixBus | 4 days ago |
Antwerp Rooseveltplaats |
London Stratford- Montifichet Road Stop U |
£23.09 | 12/01/2025 | 02:20 | FlixBus | 5 days ago |
Antwerp Rooseveltplaats |
London Stratford- Montifichet Road Stop U |
£23.09 | 11/01/2025 | 02:30 | FlixBus | 6 days ago |
Best prices found for the next 180 days.
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