Bus Time | 18h35m |
Origin | Paris, France |
Destination | Liverpool, England |
Distance | 390 Miles |
Cheapest bus fare: | from £82.40 |
Bus operators: | FlixBus |
Which coach company can I use?
FlixBus is the only bus operator connecting Paris (France) to Liverpool (England).
What is the price of a bus ticket for this journey?
The lowest fare found to travel by bus from Paris to Liverpool in the next 180 days is from €82.40. Bus travel is often the best solution to spend less compared to the prices of flights and travelling by train.
How long is the coach?
Coach services will often enable you to make savings comparing to other travel options. However you will need to spend about 18h35m travelling to cover the 390 miles between Paris and Liverpool.
from £82.40 | MORE | 18h35m |
from £122.99 | MORE | 13h56m |
Find the cheapest tickets to travel from Paris to Liverpool by coach, train, carsharing and flights.
Gopili compares prices to help you find cheap bus tickets from Paris to Liverpool for the coming days. You can also have a look at the prices for the Liverpool Paris bus to make sure you get a seat for your return journey.
From | To | Price | Departure on | At | Company | Searched |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£82.40 | 04/01/2025 | 00:45 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£82.40 | 04/01/2025 | 19:30 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (Wavertree Shopping Centre) |
£83.44 | 04/01/2025 | 19:30 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£85.54 | 04/01/2025 | 08:00 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (Wavertree Shopping Centre) |
£88.69 | 04/01/2025 | 00:30 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£105.50 | 04/01/2025 | 13:15 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Bercy Seine) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£110.75 | 04/01/2025 | 23:59 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (Saint-Denis University) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£119.14 | 04/01/2025 | 16:20 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Paris (La Défense) |
Liverpool (One Bus Station) |
£121.24 | 04/01/2025 | 15:35 | FlixBus | 1 day ago |
Best prices found for the next 180 days.
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