Trains to Nantes

Cheap train tickets to Nantes

If you want to find cheap train tickets to Nantes, find below some tips to help you find the best fares for a train ticket.

Train fares work like air fares: the earlier you purchase the more likely you are to get a great price. Be sure that the best time to start looking the rail prices to Nantes is 12 weeks in advance.

In United Kingdom, advance train tickets to Nantes are less expensive than Off-Peak-Ticket, or Anytime ticket. These tickets offer the lowest train but they are non-exchangeable and non-refundable, thus you need to be sure of your date of travel.

A lot of reductions are available in the United Kingdom to buy your train ticket to Nantes cheaper: 16-25, Two together, Family and Friends, Senior, Disabled persons railcard. All usually give you 34% off most adult prices, so you will save 1/3 on rail prices.

Using our search engine you can compare train ticket prices for all major companies, operators to travel to Nantes by train and find the best fare.

Popular routes to Nantes by train

Here are examples of itineraries from the ten most popular departures cities to go to Nantes by train. Find in the table below the key information for your next journey like travel time, distance between the two cities and the minimum price we found for a train ticket to Nantes. You can also search for bus tickets to Nantes

Top journeys Distance Train duration Lowest train ticket price
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Last searches for trains to Nantes

From To Price Departure on At Company Searched
Estacion Santa Justa
Parc Relais de l'Haluchère
€88.97 30/03/2025 07:38 16 days ago
€61.00 02/03/2025 06:30 TGV Inoui 1 month ago

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