Trains to Reims

Cheap train tickets to Reims

Are you looking for a low-cost train ticket? If so, you are at the right place. Through our search engine we set against all train operators which travel to Reims to submit you the cheapest train ticket fares.

Beside we will give you recommendations on how to get rail tickets at low fares:

First of all, train tickets to Reims are offered for sale 12 weeks before the departure. And you need to that booking your train ticket in advance will give you a greater opportunity of getting a low fare.

There exist different prices of train ticket with different discounts. The less expensive fare is advance train tickets: they are sell at a interesting price however they are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

Moreover, the National Rail proposes you cards that give you some discounts on train ticket fares to travel to Reims. Mostly, a railcard holder can get 1/3 off a wide range of rail tickets. According to your situation or your age, you have a lot of possibilities: 16-25, Two together, Family and Friends, Senior or Disabled persons railcard.

Finally, you can travel during off peak moments. Your train ticket to Reims will be less less expensive and you will avoid rush hours.

Popular routes to Reims by train

Here are examples of itineraries from the ten most popular departures cities to go to Reims by train. Find in the table below the key information for your next journey like travel time, distance between the two cities and the minimum price we found for a train ticket to Reims. You can also search for bus tickets to Reims

Top journeys Distance Train duration Lowest train ticket price
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Last searches for trains to Reims

From To Price Departure on At Company Searched
Champagne-Ardenne TGV
€28.50 22/03/2025 05:59 TGV Inoui 3 days ago
Champagne-Ardenne TGV
€79.00 11/04/2025 08:06 7 days ago

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