Trains to Vigo

Cheap train tickets to Vigo

In the UK, there are many ways to save money when you purchase your train ticket to Vigo. Find below some hints and tips to help you find the best fares for a train ticket.

The earlier you buy your train to Vigo, the less you pay. Advance tickets are on sale up to 3 months before, but be quick, the less expensive rail tickets sell out fast. Purchase in in advance your train ticket and save money.

Travel when it's calmer, during off-peak or super-off-peak; at these times you pay less for trains to Vigo. Choose to go during weekends and during weekdays between 10:30 and 14:30 or after 20:00.

When going by train it's preferable to be flexible. The more flexible you are the greater opportunity you have of finding tickets to Vigo at low prices.

If you have a railcard, your can get 1/3 off all train prices to Vigo. Many railcards are available, choose your: 16-25, Two together, Family and Friends, Senior, Disabled persons railcard.

Our last tip is to utilize our search engine to compare fares from all major rail operators to find the best price for your train ticket to Vigo.

Popular routes to Vigo by train

Here are examples of itineraries from the ten most popular departures cities to go to Vigo by train. Find in the table below the key information for your next journey like travel time, distance between the two cities and the minimum price we found for a train ticket to Vigo. You can also search for bus tickets to Vigo

Top journeys Distance Train duration Lowest train ticket price
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Things to do in Vigo

We have created for you a list of 6 points of interests that you can visit in Vigo.

  • Molino de viento
  • Museo Real Club Celta de Vigo
  • Museo Quiñones de León
  • Museo do Mar
  • Casa das Letras
  • Casa das Artes e da Historia

As travel specialists, we are aware that planning a trip and gathering all the information about a specific destination can be time consuming. We aim to help you by suggesting some points of interests, whether you are coming for a day or for longer.

Each year, many visitors are going to Vigo. If you want explore one of the most famous landmark of the city, you need to visit Molino de viento. If you have some time, we will also suggest you to visit Museo do Mar and Museo Real Club Celta de Vigo to complete your trip.

Another noteworthy location that you may want to visit is Casa das Letras if you wish to find out more about this destination.

Museo Quiñones de León is also a place that we will suggest you to visit if you have spare time during your stay.

Lastly, if you're still looking to find out more about Vigo, Casa das Artes e da Historia can be the last step of your visit. While travellers may not consider it as the most interesting thing to do, it will help you get a complete view of the city and its history.

Last searches for trains to Vigo

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€25.00 26/03/2025 19:17 4 days ago
De Galicia
€4.00 10/03/2025 14:47 27 days ago

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