Find cheap train tickets to Hungary thanks to our quick and simple search engine which compares train tickets from all the major train companies. All key information about trains in Hungary are available: train stations, popular journeys, best prices and much more!
Here find practical information to organize your trip to Hungary. We offer you the following information: the main rail station in the country, the most popular route for passengers and also the cheapest fares we found for a rail ticket to Hungary. During your journey you can visit the most popular cities like for example Szeged, Debrecen, Sopron, Pécs, Budapest. It's easy to go to Hungary by train; in fact numerous trains run every day to your destination to allow you to visit Hungary. Our search engine compares train ticket fares from major train operators, and find for you the best prices for train Hungary.
Gopili has selected a list of train tickets for Hungary: these are the lowest prices for the coming day. Click on tickets below to start a new search, and get more details on trains to Hungary that interest you.
From | To | Price | Departure on | At | Company | Searched |
Vienna Central Train Station |
Budapest Déli Train Station |
£10.20 | 04/12/2024 | 07:34 | 30 days ago |
Best price found to Hungary by train for the next 180 days.
Each year many travellers visit the following cities during their trip: Szeged, Debrecen, Sopron, Pécs, Budapest. The most visited city in Hungary is Szeged, is well known for its events and attractions including the Kárász street, Tisza river, the Votive church. During you stay in Hungary we recommend that you visit Debrecen which is well known for Déri Museum, the Great Church, Nagyerd? . Travellers spend also few days in Sopron to visit the Old Synagogue, St. Michael Church with tower , the Pharmacymuseum. For a true flavour of Hungary, head to Pécs to see the Cathedral of Pécs, the Mosque of Pasha Quasim, Vasarely Museum. Many travellers also visit the city of Budapest well known for the Royal Palace, Thermal Baths, the Parliament Building.
If you want to travel by train to Hungary, see below the most important cities visited by passengers last year. Let's choose yours.
The most important train station in Hungary is Budapest railway station, which is located in the city center of Budapest.
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